Refined Fuels Demand is a product offered by DTN via API and through ProphetX. Each day the tool gathers liquid fuels transaction data that is observed by DTN and summarizes the product volumes by type for each Rack City, Terminal, PADD and US. The data is released to the API each morning around 3AM Central
What are the grades reported on in Demand?
Grade Definition Aviation Commonly known as Avgas, it often has an octane rating of 100 and can fluctuate some. Used for general aviation purposes like small aircraft and light helicopters. Midgrade Gasoline products that have an octane range between 88-89, it varies by location. Common products are conventional, conventional 10% ethanol, reformulated 10% ethanol, and
Does DTN’s distillate grades match the EIA’s?
All 3 of DTN’s distillate grades roll up to the EIA’s Distillate Fuel Oil category. From there, DTN’s #1 Diesel and #2 Diesel will map to the EIA’s 15 ppm and under Sulfur category. DTN’s Heating Oil will map to either EIA’s Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur or Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur,
What countries are included with this service?
Currently, the United States is the only country available.
How often is the data updated in the API?
Volume data is aggregated daily from 12:00 am – 11:59:59 pm local terminal time and calculated at 3:00 am central time the following day.
Is Volume data reported on net or gross gallons?
The API volume data is based on net gallons.
How many rack locations are reported on?
The Rack endpoint has volume data for 305 rack-city locations. Individual terminal data within a city is not available.
Do you have API specification documentation?
You can find the documentation here.
What formats does the Demand API support?
Both CSV and JSON can be requested from the API. By default, the API returns back JSON. To retrieve CSV, send CSV for the format parameter.
What kind of limits are there around large date ranges?
There are no limits on date ranges aside from the historical start date of 01/01/2017 and the 5,000-record limit per page.