Historical data is included with your subscription. Simply pass the start and end date to retrieve historical data.
How far back can historical data be requested?
Rack, Padd, and Terminal/Supplier endpoints have historical data going back to 01/01/2017.
If the max number of records is 5,000 per page, how can I make a larger request spanning multiple months?
The Demand API supports paging, so if a request is made that results in 20,000 records, this data will be broken up by 5,000 per page. This is accomplished by using limit/offset or page/pageSize. Choose only one otherwise a 400 bad request error will occur if both limit/offset and page/pageSize are submitted on the same
What is the max number of records that can be returned per page?
The max number of records per page is 5,000 records. Request 5,000 records by entering limit = 5,000 or pageSize = 5,000.
By default, how many records return in the API?
If the request made to the API does not have a limit or pageSize configured, the default is 200 records.
How does a supplier leaving TABS impact Demand?
A supplier leaving TABS would result in a drop in market coverage. Also, it would impact terminal/supplier counts and overall demand we report.
How does a new TABS supplier impact Demand?
A new supplier on TABS increases our market coverage of BOLs and as a result increases our demand coverage. New supplier volumes are included in Demand as soon as we start receiving BOLs.
Why are some rack/grades omitted?
If DTN does not receive any lifting information for the rack/grade combination, it is omitted from the API results rather than returning a 0.
How is the RackAverage calculated?
We first determine what the BOL average is by grade at the state level. Next, we take the BOL average and multiple that by the number of liftings for the grade for the rack location. Example – For the Month of May 2022 Cedar City has less than 3 suppliers for #2 Diesel. As a
Why is a Rack Average calculated?
DTN requires that a rack/grade combination must have 3 or more suppliers to reveal unaltered lifting figures. This is done to protect supplier anonymity. If the rack/grade combination has less than 3 suppliers, a rack average is calculated and output to SumNetVolume. The RackAverage field will display as Y for RackAverage and N if it