What countries are included with this service?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Currently, the United States is the only country available.

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What Coverage Factor values are available?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Coverage factor values are provided daily for each PADD, subPADD, and the US total.

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What formats does the Demand API support?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Both CSV and JSON can be requested from the API. By default, the API returns back JSON. To retrieve CSV, send CSV for the format parameter.

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What is Coverage Factor?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Coverage Factor is a new addition to the Refined Fuels Demand offering that seeks to normalize the Refined Fuels Demand data across regions and time by identifying the total transactions that occurred in a specified time frame and comparing that count to the transaction volume DTN directly observed and processed.  This data is to be

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What is Refined Fuels Demand?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Refined Fuels Demand is a product offered by DTN via API and through ProphetX.  Each day the tool gathers liquid fuels transaction data that is observed by DTN and summarizes the product volumes by type for each Rack City, Terminal, PADD and US.  The data is released to the API each morning around 3AM Central

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What is the max number of records that can be returned per page?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The max number of records per page is 5,000 records. Request 5,000 records by entering limit = 5,000 or pageSize = 5,000.

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What is the Methodology for Coverage Factor?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

For a given geography (US, or PADD):  COVERAGE = (# of visible transactions over 7 days) / (# visible transactions over 7 days +  # missing transactions over 7 days). Where # visible transactions is a count of BOLs (the same ones used in RFD to get product/volume) and # missing transactions is the number

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What is the source for Demand Data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

DTN TABS is the source data for Demand. TABS is a real-time refined fuels inventory management system utilized by suppliers. TABS authorizes trucks at the rack and receives BOLs from the terminal after the truck has completed lifting.

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What kind of limits are there around large date ranges?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

There are no limits on date ranges aside from the historical start date of 01/01/2017 and the 5,000-record limit per page.

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Why are some rack/grades omitted?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If DTN does not receive any lifting information for the rack/grade combination, it is omitted from the API results rather than returning a 0.

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