As a Demand API user for Refined Fuels Demand, how will I receive Coverage Factor data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Coverage Factor will be added as discreet fields within the API as nine daily distinct values.  There will be a singular value for each PADD and PADD1 subPADD, as well as a US value. Within the API, the data can be accessed in 2 different ways.  Coverage Factor data can be retrieved independently via the

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As a ProphetX user for Refined Fuels Demand, how will I get the data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Coverage Factor data will be made available to current subscribers of PADD level or US level data.  The values can be accessed by a standard symbol search under: Energy-DTN Rack \ DTN Refined Fuels Demand \ PADD Coverage Factor US Coverage Factor = PVL_US.CF PADD1 Coverage Factor = PVL_1.CF PADD2 Coverage Factor = PVL_2.CF PADD3

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By default, how many records return in the API?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If the request made to the API does not have a limit or pageSize configured, the default is 200 records.

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Do you have API specification documentation?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

You can find the documentation here.

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Does DTN’s distillate grades match the EIA’s?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

All 3 of DTN’s distillate grades roll up to the EIA’s Distillate Fuel Oil category. From there, DTN’s #1 Diesel and #2 Diesel will map to the EIA’s 15 ppm and under Sulfur category. DTN’s Heating Oil will map to either EIA’s Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur or Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur,

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Does the Coverage Factor differentiate between Gasoline and Diesel?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

No.  Coverage Factor is calculated based on count of missing transactions; It does not reflect the individual products that were part of those transactions because DTN does not have access to those transaction details.  Coverage Factor is intended to avoid speculation and provide a more complete and consistent market view.  

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How are Demand PADD (1-5) volume figures aggregated?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

DTN identifies all TABS the suppliers operating in PADDs 1-5 that receive BOLs. The BOL contains details about what product(s) were lifted and volume. The BOL lifting data is aggregated for every rack and grade DTN has data for. Once the volume aggregation is completed for each rack/grade combination, these volumes are rolled up to

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How are Demand Rack volume figures aggregated?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

DTN identifies all suppliers’ utilizing TABS at the rack that receive BOLs. The BOL contains details about what product(s) were lifted and volume. The BOL lifting data is aggregated for every rack and grade DTN has data for. New figures are generated for the previous day each day at 3 am cst. Quality control measures

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How do I get access to historical data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Historical data is included with your subscription. Simply pass the start and end date to retrieve historical data.

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How do I receive the Coverage Factor data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Coverage Factor data will be available through the API and via ProphetX.

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